Changes coming to TNA and WWE RAW

Wrestling was going great for a moment there.  Wrestlemaina was pretty damn big, and Brock Lesnar returned to the sport he got his start in to massive fan fare.  Sadly, that great moment passed the second John Cena hit Brock with that chain and pinned him after Brock worked him over for 25 minutes.  Some people said that losing to Cena like that didn’t hurt him.  3 weeks later, it has.  No one gives a shit, and John Cena, who has gone from fueding with The Rock and Brock Lesnar, to main eventing with Johnny Ace.

Raw has spiraled down hill since Extreme Rules.  Now that spiral will go on an extra hour starting in July.  Yes, a weekly 3 hour Raw.  One that will probably be filled with longer promos no one gives a shit about, and recaps of the other shows that no one honestly gives a shit about.

So yeah.  There you go!


In other news, Impact is going LIVE!  Dixie Carter announced today that next month that Impact won’t be taped anymore, and will start airing live ala RAW.  This is actually a better idea than their last few that’s copied WWE.  A weekly live show will, hopefully, force TNA to step up their game a bit more.  They’re coming off a decent PPV, and since Russo left, they’ve been slowly getting better.

Either way, time and scheduling can only do so much.  If I had my pick right now, I’d take TNA over WWE.

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