First pic for Jason Eisner’s next BVH: BLATANT VIOLENCE HIGH

by: Chris Eaton   source: Facebook

God do I love Hobo with a Shotgun.  The movie is pure, unadulterated genius.  For all it’s gore and off the wall violence, there was almost a symphony of greatness puring out of the screen.  It’s director, Jason Eisner, is definitely someone to watch out for.   And you’re not going have to wait to long to watch!

Eisner is hard at work on his second feature film.  He only gave the abbreviation to the title, BVH.  The hell dose that stand for?  Well, it stands for Blatant Violence High.  It’s going to be an homage to not only the martial arts films of the 80’s but Eisner him self has said one of it’s main inspiration is the NES game Vigilante.

Today, thanks to Nick Bateman, who played RIP of the Plague in Hobo, we have our first picture from BVH.  Right from his Facebook account!

Doesn’t tell allot, but it looks cool.  If Hobo with a Shotgun is any indication of what Jason Eisner is capable of, BVH should be fucking tits!