Producer Brian Rogers talks GODZILLA 2012

by Chris Eaton-

Agh. It’s been hell waiting for anything related to the new American reboot of Godzilla.  With false head sculpts, a t shirt given out at Comic Con, there’s been little to nothing solid coming from the project.  For guys like me, the cock tease is at the point of blue balls.

So when the guys at Zennie62 got a few moments with the producer of the upcoming film, Brian Rogers.  Rogers was talking at the current 3D Summit in LA this week, and gave some clarification and some news on the film.

[vodpod id=Video.4491254&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

The highlights:

-Legendary is not repeating what Sony did ten years ago

-Godzilla will be fighting another monster, or monsters in the film.  From the Toho roster or new is unclear.

-Legendary plans on using the Batman Begins formula in rebooting the project.

All of this, sounds very, very good.  Between that design released at Comic Con and this news, Legendary is well on the way of wiping away the shit stain that was the first American film.  Sigh, now, if only Voltron would turn out this good.