Great Moments In Customizing: Power Rangers

by Chris Eaton-

This article is something new I’m hoping to do on a monthly basis.  I love custom figures.  The fact that there are people out there that are both talented enough to sculpt a new figure out of an old one out of frustration that said figure doesn’t exist (or sucks) is fascinating to me.  Sure, there’s a  lot of crap, but then again, you find some gems that are just works of art.  So I’m going to drop 5 custom figures from The Power Rangers, in honor of Power Morphicon this week, that I think are keen.

5. Lord Zedd

Excellent example of taking something very different and turning into something cool.  This used to be a Ruthless Aggression Batista figure.  Now, the most evil being in the universe, and the stiff dick up the rangers asses.

4. Jason and Tommy

Jason, the former leader of the Power Ranger.  Tommy, the baddest Power Ranger of all time.  Both knew karate very well, and both liked to shout random bull shit when they jumped or hit something, sounding like they have some weird turrets syndrome.  Anyway, Jason was the Red Ranger, then deiced he wanted to help the starving nation of the world and left his work to Rocky..who no one liked.  He came back when the Rangers lost their powers (and usable footage to sync up to) and became the Gold Ranger.  Tommy was the Green Ranger, the one that everyone thought was cool, lost his powers (again, lack of footage) and became the White Ranger.  Cool, but not as cool as the Green.  Here are the two of them in their two Ranger persona’s, that are pieced together from various Marvel Legend figures.  Giving the definition and awesomeness that Bandai never gave them.

3. The Shadow Ranger

The Shadow Ranger.  I never watched SPD, just a few eps here and there, but by this time, there were so many damn Rangers and Zords that I couldn’t keep track.  But I still know a good custom when I see one.  This alien dog that only gets off his ass and fights when need be is a great sculpt  Couldn’t find any details on what he’s made from, but a fantastic job none the less.

2. Megazord

The original and the best.  Much like the old school Transformer figures, the Zord figures tend to be stiff and bulky.  No possibility what so ever.  This dude took that frustration, and made the masterpiece collection equivalent of the original Megazord.  It’s a true work of art.  There’s so much shit that made this up that’s it’s impossible for me to put to words… so just check it out here.

1.  Dragonzord Battle Mode

I nearly shit myself when I saw this.  Taking one of the most awesome Zord combos, and making it even more bad ass.  It makes me cry at night knowing that this isn’t a mass produced figure, but one made by these dudes.  My hats are off to them.