by Chris Eaton-

Any more love for low budget Japanese gore flicks?

Every time I take a piss, there seems to be yet another film that Yoshihiro Nishimura is working on.  The man has single handily in the last few years, gone on to create a whole new sub genre of film, “Gore Effect”.  With a low budge, and a buschel full of ideas, these gore films go for broke when it comes to the product they’re turing out.  High concept with zany costumes that would make Lady Gaga blush.

Yet, some times, it yields results.  I have a fond love of The Machine Girl, and found Tokyo Gore Police just insane enough to be fun. Those are gems in a sand box of mediocre. The downfall to these Gore films is that the budget dose force them down some times, and there are moment’s when it’s painfully obvious that some of these flicks are just set piece pornography. But these films do have a huge cult following that Troma would love to get their hands on.

Now, we got word from Cannes is that Nishimura is teaming with Geshia vs Ninja director Go Ohara.  The fruits of their labor?  Gothic and Lolita Psycho.

Gothic and Lolita … the fashion reflects her dark and childish mentality. YUKI, the heroine, saw her mother killed by cruel gangs. She vows revenge! Knock off the enemies with her transformable umbrella. So gorgeous and so savage…

Who killed mother? What the hell are the gangs? What is the truth and purpose that father knows? Her coming terrible destiny is going with the dead bodies.

[vodpod id=Video.3698451&w=425&h=350&fv=]

It’s sub culture on subculture.  I dig the vibe coming off this one. Hopefully, it’s another Machine Girl.  If not, throw it in the sandbox next to Samurai Princess.

Thanks to Twitch for the heads up.