Ryuhei Kitamura’s new American film is..

by Chris Eaton-

It’s not as suprsing as who’s starring in it!

RyuhieiKitamura is a hero of mine.  I was 16 when I first saw Versus, and decided that THAT is the sort of filmmaker I want to be.  Sure, some would say that wanting to be the next Ryuhei Kitamura is a bad thing.  His style of film-making is for the A.D.D. crowd and there’s no character development in his movies.  I say, “FUCK YOU”.  It takes skill and talent to create the action pieces he has in all of his films. Sure, Versus was his water mark, but I’ve felt that everything else he’s done since has been just as good.

Which is why, when Kitamura got shafted by Lionsgate with his adaptation of The Midnight Meat Train. (The only first run film I’ve ever seen at a second run theater) I thought I saw the end of his American film career before it began.  Thankfully, I have not.  According to Bloody Disgusting, Ryuhei is stepping behind the camera in the states, again, for Black Friday 3D. The story:

The film is said to follow a couple that’s viciously assaulted. A brother and friends seek out the murderer and come face to face with the infamous serial killer known as Tyler Hillburg!

Standard slasher fair. Or so it seems.  Kitamura has away of taking the mundane and adding some life to it.  So, when news broke that the film is going to apparently star Lindsay Lohan, my interest peaked to say the least.  Lindsay, not known for her acting chops, and for having a warrant  on her head last week, hasn’t’ worked in a while.  She just started getting back into films with Robert Rodriguez’s Machete. Seems that genre films is her personal purgatory at the moment.  Perhaps, under the diligent eye of Kitamura, he might make a star out of her again.  Then again.. maybe not.

Hey, at least Ryuhei is getting some work again on the state side.