Rutger Hauer is one pissed off Hobo

by Chris Eaton-

Hobo With A Shotgun is hands down in the top 3 of my most anticipated films currently in production.  Every little bit of info that has released makes me want to get off my ass and start filming some of my more wild scripts that I wrote in my more nascent days.  But I digress.

What we have here is the first offiical image of Rutger Hauer as the title Hobo. One thing is for sure, you best not fuck with his shopping cart.

Since the film is filming in Canada, and, well, not a lot goes on there, the crew managed to make it on a local news station talked with the cast and crew.

[vodpod id=Video.3540162&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

This film is going to be just.. pure childproof awesome!