Holy Fuck! Some one is making a sequal to MANOS THE HANDS OF FATE

by Chris Eaton-


I, like 90 percent of living, breathing human beings that know of it’s existence, first saw Manos: The Hands of Fate though Mystery Science Theater 3000. Perhaps MST3K’s most popular episode, and universally, one of their funniest episodes ever. (Personally, I think Mitchell is their best episode though)  What made the Manos episode so funny was that the film is just so inhumanly bad.  It’s slow and incomprehensible, and full of awkward moments, leaving plenty of fodder for Joel and the Bots to rip on.  While MST3K made Manos the Hands of Fate a cult classic, the real story of the film and it’s release is just as epic.

Made on a bet in 1966 by a fertilizer salesman named Harold Warren.  Warren was trying to prove that anyone can make a movie, and Manos was the result of that motivation.  Warren wrote, directed and starred in the film.  Unfortunately, Warren also had no idea how to properly make a movie.  The film is full of plot holes, slow pacing, errors like the clapboard being seen in frame, improper lighting for the actors to move around in during the night scenes, and subplots that have nothing to do with the film.  In the end, Warren won the bet, as he did make a movie.  It was released in a very limited capacity in El Paso Tx and never seen again until Frank Conniff was given a copy of the film and it was made into an episode of Mystery Science Theater in 1993.  It currently fights with films like Plan 9 from Outer Space as the worst film of all time.

Though, for as bad as Manos is, much like many cult films, there’s a charm to it that speaks to people.  The SO BAD IT”S GOOD  saying can be applied to Manos (I personally don’t think so, but it is still something to behold), and there’s a genuine fan base for the film this day.  One of those fans, Rupert Munch Jr., is taking it upon himself to make a sequel to Manos: The Hands of Fate.

He was seen roaming the halls of Comic Con last year dressed as Torgo, Manos’s famous right hand man. (played in real life by local drug fiend John Reynolds),  but his passion for Manos is the stuff that geeks are made of.  He’s started work on a sequel to Manos the Hands of Fate, and has gotten the blessing of most of the remaining members of the film.  Here’s what he told MSTK3KInfo

Jackey saw our productions. She told us that through the years, she has seen every ToRgO and Master, shtick, bit, film, play, comic, etc. come down the chute, but she thought they were all…(sorry to anyone out there)…unworthy. But she felt our “style, humor, intelligence, and love/respect for the characters” resonated with her, and she wanted to participate in some way! We told her we would like to do a feature length sequel to “Manos” with as many of the original cast and their families as possible. … We want to do it in a contemporary style (40+ years later), that still captures the spirit, awkwardness and magic of Manos.”

We realize we will receive much grief and criticism at every move… but at the end of the day, we hope that everyone respects that we are trying to do this in a way that really resonates and brims with the style, scope, eroticism, weirdness, grooviness and evil polygamy goodness of everyone’s favorite polygamist cult… and with the “blessings” of the only survivors of the original… which in our books validates our efforts! So any potential doubters, haters, etc. Go make your own film and do it your way!

The demo video below shows the eye to authenticity the guy is aiming for the film.  All I can say is: Good on him.  Munch Jr is making the ultimate fan film, and going to great lengths to do it.  Who knows, he might actually make something that makes more sense than the original film.  And for those who haven’t seen Manos, pull it up on YouTube, or go get the MST3K Essentials collection, which has Manos and Santa Clause Conquers the Martians on it.  Worth every penny!

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