(UPDATE) Behind the scenes: HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN

by Chris Eaton-  Source: Hobowithashotgun.com

Fuck and yes!

I loved Jason Eisener’s winning entry in the Grindhouse faux trailer contest, Hobo With A Shotgun.  The man single handily not only got the vibe of Grindhouse, hell, his trailer made me want to see his damn non existent movie.  Well, praise mighty Xenu, the man is at work on a full length version of his fake trailer.  And boy, dose he have a Hobo you don’t want to fuck with.

This video is clobbered together of what he’s gotten done in 3 days!  Fucking fantastic.  Not only that, but we get our first look at Rutger Hauer as the title Hobo.  Fuck me sideways, if I’m not giddy. This movie is going to be in the annuls of awesome.  You want to know how? A little entry from the site:

To give you an idea of what’s going down, we actually ran out of blood today and had to make fresh batches. And we started out with a shitload of it. Looks like corn syrup is gonna be a hot commodity. We’ve also managed to destroy a bunch of crap around the city, and there’s still a whole lot more shit to burn/explode/disfigure/smash.

Fuck and yes.

[vodpod id=Video.3482876&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]


This sweet promo pic was released on Aintitcool, showing THE PLAUGE, a group of bounty hunters after the titled Hobo.